Sunday 12 July 2009


my name is Nor Syahirah bt. Mohamad Fakurudin. i am 23 years old from Kelantan. some people call me Iera or Sha(usually people who are close to me call me Sha). As for me, I dont care whether it is Iera or Sha as long as it is a good name.

Well, today is my first class after having a long semester break. That's why I guess I am a bit dreammy in the class (sorry Dr. heheheheheh).

Basically, I do not know much about computer. As a student, I do agree that computer is essential in our lives because it makes ourlive easier. I can't imagine how im gonna survive in the time where we need to use typewriter to do the assignments because i've seen how difficult my aunty was at her time. she need to type carefully with no mistakes, othermise she had to retype her work again. So, thank to the technology that help to make our life easier.


  1. Can people call you Nor, Irah, or Ah?

  2. nor or irah is ok..but ah is kinda weird la Dr..hehehe..
