Friday 18 September 2009 (;"(";)

Level: Form 4 (Intermidiate)

Time: 40 minutes

Aims: To enable students to search the specific information via internet and be able to practice writing and complete the task given

Technical Requirement: One computer for each pair of students equipped with an Internet connection and a Web Browser.


1. Find a suitable website on the Table Manners Etiquette
2. Prepare worksheets based on the title above.

1. Asks students if they know or ever apply table etiquette
2. Asks students to work in pairs and share a computer
3. Shows a video on table manners etiquette and the students are required to open the same website using their own computer
4. Ask the students’ opinion based on the video
5. Asks students if they know what they should and should not do at the table (table rules)
6. Distribute handout A to each groups
7. Discuss the answer with the students
8. Asks students whether they know the proper table setting
9. Share opinion with the students
10. Distributes handout B
11. Asks the students to work in pairs to answer the question
4. Explain to the students that the information can be searched at and
12. Discuss the answer with the students

Follow-up Activity

Teacher asks the students to make a role-play based on the Table Manners Etiquette. The students can choose either to do the Do’s or the Don’t. The role-play will be presented for the next class. The best group will be decided by the other students and will be given a present. (The information can be found at at )


  1. dear dr, i have email my worksheets for this lesson plan to your email adress is

  2. A good way to instill some manners in our students

  3. unique! heheeeeee..... may be can specify the manner not just the universal table manner, but the manner of different culture, ex, Malay table manner is different form Chinese and Indian, show students the differences and perhaps make them understand and respect other culture... not just at the table, but at other places and situations.... :)

  4. a new thing for the students because i never thought that students will expect to learn this table manner..and to adapt to another culture..interesting

  5. im also did not know much about the table etiquette..afta do this assignment, then i know bout it..muhahahahah..

  6. I love to stare at food before I eat them. My auntie who is a Japanese once said it's very rude to do that in the Japanese culture.It means that we kind of show disrespect towards the host/cook/chef/whoever la.

    Oops,can't help it!I stare because I always try to count how much calories I'm having for each food portion XD hehehe
